BetterSmoke™ - Anti Tar Filter 100 pieces

30 Tage Geld-zurück-Garantie - ohne Risiko testen

Rolf M.
I can only recommend everyone to use these filters. When you see how much gets caught in the filter, it's really amazing. I will continue to use the filters.

Patricia H.
Reduced smoker's cough
Cough has improved a lot after 2 weeks. More energy in everyday life. Breathing has improved dramatically.

Marcel S.
Totally awesome!
I am very impressed with the filters, they really do filter out the tar reliably, you can tell. Absolutely brilliant, I can only recommend them!!
How do the filters? work
First, take a filter out of the packaging and insert it very easy front of the cigarette.
After that you can as usual start smoking, the filter then extracts through a combination from mechanical filtration and condensation the majority of the toxic tar and also some of the nicotine from the smoke.
Nicotine is still allowed through in quantities so that your Demand despite reducing the amount of nicotine. However, since you are consuming a much lower amount, your craving will also reduce over time until you without withdrawal symptoms it is possible to stop completely.
During this process, you may notice after the first use of the filters that your smoker's cough alleviates and you again feel more energetic. This is due to the filtered tar. It is the main cause of smoker's cough and would settle in your lungs without a filter, which would then lead to lower lung capacity leads to you being able to absorb less oxygen and therefore less energy have.
The filters make it easier for you to stop completely and during the phase of quitting smoking, the typical smoking to significantly minimize symptoms.
Do the filters fit my cigarettes?
Most cigarettes have a diameter of 7-8mm. Our filters were extra designed for this size, so that they can be without any problems can be plugged in and used.
If you Slim cigarettes or self-rolled cigarettes which usually have a slightly different diameter, you can use the universal adapter Each pack of anti-tar filters contains 5 of these.
You can also use the universal adapter here order separately.
You can very easy Put a filter in it, which then reduces the size a little, so that it can also be your cigarettes fits.
If you are still unsure, please feel free to contact us via our contact form contact us.
Manufacturer's instructions
Manufacturer's notes according to the (General Product Safety Regulation in the EU)
Manufacturer's address:
Roas GbR
Heinrich-Hertz-Str. 1
74196 Neuenstadt am Kocher
Email: info@better-smoke.com
Safety instructions:
Anti Tar Filter:
This product filters part of the tar, but smoking, even with these filters, remains harmful to health and carries risks. Keep away from children. Do not swallow.
30 day trial + guarantee
You are still a bit skeptical whether the filters really remove the tar from the cigarette smoke can pull?
That is exactly why we want to offer you the 30 days to test We know that the filters remove tar as described and are convinced convincedthat they make smoking somewhat less harmful.
If you test the filters during these 30 days and they do not work as described, you will immediately receive your Money back!
First, take a filter out of the packaging and insert it very easy front of the cigarette.
After that you can as usual start smoking, the filter then extracts through a combination from mechanical filtration and condensation the majority of the toxic tar and also some of the nicotine from the smoke.
Nicotine is still allowed through in quantities so that your Demand despite reducing the amount of nicotine. However, since you are consuming a much lower amount, your craving will also reduce over time until you without withdrawal symptoms it is possible to stop completely.
During this process, you may notice after the first use of the filters that your smoker's cough alleviates and you again feel more energetic. This is due to the filtered tar. It is the main cause of smoker's cough and would settle in your lungs without a filter, which would then lead to lower lung capacity leads to you being able to absorb less oxygen and therefore less energy have.
The filters make it easier for you to stop completely and during the phase of quitting smoking, the typical smoking to significantly minimize symptoms.
Most cigarettes have a diameter of 7-8mm. Our filters were extra designed for this size, so that they can be without any problems can be plugged in and used.
If you Slim cigarettes or self-rolled cigarettes which usually have a slightly different diameter, you can use the universal adapter Each pack of anti-tar filters contains 5 of these.
You can also use the universal adapter here order separately.
You can very easy Put a filter in it, which then reduces the size a little, so that it can also be your cigarettes fits.
If you are still unsure, please feel free to contact us via our contact form contact us.
Manufacturer's notes according to the (General Product Safety Regulation in the EU)
Manufacturer's address:
Roas GbR
Heinrich-Hertz-Str. 1
74196 Neuenstadt am Kocher
Email: info@better-smoke.com
Safety instructions:
Anti Tar Filter:
This product filters part of the tar, but smoking, even with these filters, remains harmful to health and carries risks. Keep away from children. Do not swallow.
You are still a bit skeptical whether the filters really remove the tar from the cigarette smoke can pull?
That is exactly why we want to offer you the 30 days to test We know that the filters remove tar as described and are convinced convincedthat they make smoking somewhat less harmful.
If you test the filters during these 30 days and they do not work as described, you will immediately receive your Money back!

The standard filter of a cigarette filters the toxins (especially tar) only very limited. On the right you can see how much tar a BetterSmoke™ Filter from just one cigarette.

About BetterSmoke™

“It can’t be that there is no solution for this!”
That's where it all started. We were looking for a solution to improve smoking so that you are not forced to inhale poison and can quit more easily. We found it.
32,400+ SMOKERS

This product was 4.3 from 5.0 stars.
It has 1582 receive reviews.

The BetterSmoke™ filters remove the toxic tar. Since this is due to its stickiness sticks to the clothes, they smell of smoke after smoking. If this tar is missing, your clothes will smell almost like smoke after smoking. odorless.
This is what tar looks like in your lungs

Your lungs have to fight this every day. It's time to do something about it! The black sticky is pure tar.
If the filters do not work as described function, you get your money back!
Together with our over 32,400+ satisfied customers We firmly believe that the BetterSmoke™ filters make a valuable contribution to protecting your lungs from the usual pollutants afford.

How much are the shipping costs?
Shipping costs? We cover the entire Shipping costs. Shipping is for free for you :)
Can I return my order?
Yes! You have 14 days from receipt of the product to test it. If it does not work as described, please contact our Support :)
Do the filters work with every cigarette?
Most cigarettes have a diameter of 7-8mm. Our filters were extra designed for this size, so that they can be without any problems can be plugged in and used.
If you Slim cigarettes or self-rolled cigarettes which usually have a slightly different diameter, you can use the universal adapter Each pack of anti-tar filters contains 5 of these.
You can also use the universal adapter here order separately.
You can very easy Put a filter in it, which then reduces the size a little, so that it can also be your cigarettes fits.
If you are still unsure, please feel free to contact us via our contact form contact us.

Pocket depot (without filter)

Universal adapter for anti-tar filters